STORAGE Reversible Humidity Indicator E0400101 €1.53 Reversible humidity indicators to control ambient humidity or humidity inside a package. Various humidity scales depending on the needs of your merchandise. For larger quantities, please contact Add to cart
TEMPERATURE Wireless Weather Station - Anemometer F0403001 €193.48 The wireless weather station or anemometer is a data logger used to measure wind speed, rainfall, wind direction, temperature and relative humidity. The dimensions of the base station are: 230 x 150 mm. The dimensions of the sensors are: 660 x 540 mm. Add to cart
HOME Silica Gel Desiccant bag with Moisture Indicator A0102002 €2.78 Silica Gel, moisture desiccant bag of 60 gr standard with indicator to know when the product is saturated. Add to cart
TEMPERATURE Temperature and Humidity Display F0402901 €1,330.88 The panel indicator or hygrometer is a stationary relative humidity and temperature meter. Display dimensions: 175 x 250 x 75 mm. Add to cart
HUMIDITY HOME Humidity Indicator with Observation Window E0400701 €46.59 Observation window humidity indicator is used to control the humidity of the environment or the humidity inside a package. Three humidity scales (40-80%, 30-50% and 20-80%) depending on the needs of your merchandise. For larger quantities, please contact Add to cart
TEMPERATURE Hygrometer with Bluetooth F0403101 €140.24 The Bluetooth Hygrometer or Thermo-Hygrometer is used to identify temperature, dew bulb temperature, ambient humidity and dew point. It is mainly used in offices, refrigerated rooms or greenhouses. The humidity detector is available in different magnitudes and can be used for certain environmental conditions. Dimensions: 204 x 54 x 36 mm. Add to cart
PRESSURE Pitot Tube Manometer F0403302 €395.55 The Pitot Tube or Manometer measures atmospheric pressure, air velocity, flow rate and ambient temperature. It has an ergonomic design and a backlit screen. This allows it to work in adverse lighting conditions. Dimensions: 280 x 95 x 45 mm. Add to cart
TEMPERATURE Heat Stress Meter - Thermometer F0403601 €678.69 The heat stress meter or psychrometer is used to measure the indoor and outdoor WBGT value, black globe temperature, humidity, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature and air temperature. The thermo-hygrometer or temperature meter can also make an objective evaluation of the working conditions in case of external weather conditions. Dimensions: 177... Add to cart
TEMPERATURE Weather Meter F0403702 €269.71 The multifunctional weather meter is able to detect the wind speed, the humidity of the environment, the sound level, the temperature and the light intensity. It has a backlit display that allows you to read the measured values even when measuring in darker places, without affecting visibility. Dimensions: 252 x 66 x 33 mm. Add to cart
HUMIDITY CO2 Meter F0403901 €550.43 The Co2 meter or air quality meter determines the temperature, the air humidity and the carbon dioxide. It is equipped with an SD card to store the CO2 values for a longer period of time. Dimensions: 132 x 80 x 32 mm. Add to cart
HUMIDITY HOME Soil pH Meter - Soil Moisture Meter F0404002 €371.35 The soil moisture meter or moisture analyser is used to check soil moisture quickly. The moisture analyser indicates the soil moisture in a range from 0 to 50%. The soil pH meter has a total length of 374 mm. Add to cart
HUMIDITY ART Desktop CO2 Meter F0403902 €298.75 The multifunctional CO2 meter or humidity meter which is used to monitor air quality. This temperature meter is used to analyse CO2 concentration, air humidity and temperature. Dimensions: 75 x 55 x 130 mm. Add to cart